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How the water cup factory conquers customers through details


How the water cup factory conquers customers through details


I got to know the customer because they found us through our website. After many communications, the customer thought that the quality of our products is indeed good, but the price is higher than that of some otherwater bottle factories, and even much higher than the price of water bottles from some factories, so the customer has been Despite the hesitation, the customer repeatedly stressed that we should give a reasonable price in order to cooperate.


The reason for the cooperation was that our customers recognized the style, function, and especially the quality of our water cups. Under such circumstances, we started our first cooperation. So from then on, the guests had in-depth communication with us and began to see our "details". What impresses our guests most is that whether it is an on-site meeting or a video conference, we can always organize the content of the meeting in a clear and orderly manner, provide multiple solutions to the problems raised at the meeting, and point out the most reasonable solution. What makes the guests pay more attention is that as long as the time requirements appear in the meeting minutes, we will sort out the time plan and point out the problems that may arise in the middle. At this time, the guests feel that we are a little different.


From product proofing to mass production, we strictly abide by the time determined by both parties. The customer said that after doing foreign trade for so long and cooperating with so many factories, it was the first time that we found that our efficiency was too low, because as we followed our work plan We will always provide the other party with the process in a timely manner and point out or require the guest to provide the cooperation required by both parties within the specified time.


The production of our products has a scientific and advanced order production follow-up system, which can also keep customers informed of the progress of the product at any time, and use data to allow customers to predict whether the delivery can be on time, while maintaining quality and quantity. The customer agrees very much with this. Unlike the companies he cooperated with before, the customer has the most realistic grasp of the delivery cycle and quality of the goods.

We will give honest feedback to customers about problems encountered during production, but we will also always solve the problems before customers worry. The customer said that working with us really makes him feel at ease when sleeping.


Inspection is a matter of concern and headache for customers. On the one hand, they hope that the factory can cooperate to make the inspection smooth. On the other hand, they are worried that the quality may not meet the requirements and the factory will not cooperate and must harvest. As a result, our inspection method Let customers find that as long as they drink coffee, they can see our professional QC put the goods specified by the customers in front of them for comprehensive and focused inspection. The stability of product quality also impresses our customers. The customer thought that it would be great if the yield rate of bulk goods was 90%. However, the quality of 99.99% of the bulk goods made customers know what good quality products are like. What surprised the customers was that in the end, when the customers requested the delivery time, It was found that the products have been 100% good, which means that we have prevented any defective products from leaving the factory.


Packaging may seem like a simple thing, but once it becomes professional, our customers will constantly thank our warehouse management colleagues. Professional packaging can not only save space reasonably, but also reduce weight. While reducing freight costs, it also ensures the safety of goods during transportation.


The reason why a company can succeed depends on price, technology, and market. The editor believes that these are only part of it. Many factories can reduce costs through various reasonable or unreasonable methods and attract the market at low prices. However, not every factory can provide detailed services. Similarly, those who rely on technology to win the market may not be able to provide high-quality products. Service and the market are divided into multiple levels. What I want to say is that only factories that rely on service and details to win can go further and develop longer.