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What’s better about a water bottle worth a few hundred yuan than a water bottle worth tens of yuan?


What’s better about a water bottle worth a few hundred yuan than a water bottle worth tens of yuan?


Water cups are made of various materials, such as stainless steel, plastic, aluminum, ceramic, glass, melamine, etc. Due to different materials, different styles, and different functions, the price of water cups on the market also ranges from a few to several. The price ranges from several hundred yuan, and some water bottles even cost thousands due to their unique functions. What are the factors that cause such a huge price difference among these water bottles? The editor has displayed the differences between water cups worth a few hundred yuan and water cupsworth tens of yuan, and asked friends to judge for themselves.

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1. Different materials

The materials and quality of water cups worth several hundred yuan will definitely adhere to their promises, and the requirements will also be stricter. There are many brands of water cups that cost several tens of yuan, and many brands use good materials, but some of them do use shoddy materials. This causes great trouble to consumers, who are unable to judge the quality of the materials at the first time.

2. Different workmanship

The price of a water cup worth a few hundred yuan is here. People will definitely have higher quality requirements for the water cup when buying it. If a water cup priced at a few hundred yuan has obvious quality problems, given today's consumption patterns, it will definitely Everyone sprays it into a sieve, so we can believe that the workmanship will be more refined. Compared with water cups that cost tens of yuan, there are some with good workmanship, but even if some of them are of ordinary workmanship, consumers will tolerate them.

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3. Originality and research and development

A water bottle worth a few hundred yuan not only reflects the brand value, but also reflects the originality and research and development costs of the product. Water bottles with this price are often market pioneers and are the target of plagiarism by other brands and peers. As for water cups that cost tens of yuan, you will find that there are many similar models on the market, and some are even exactly the same.

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4. Brand value

In addition to the above differences in water cups with relatively high selling prices, the most important thing is the brand value. What is brand value? The editor will not answer this question. You can check it online. The most important thing about brand value is brand influence and credibility. Therefore, high-priced water bottles are not only reflected in production quality, product materials, product design, etc., but also in Marketing costs, after-sales service costs, etc.